Measuring socio-economic inequality: From dwellers’ perspective within Bangalore urban agglomeration

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Keya Chakraborty


Planners and researchers have realized that larger regional framework of urban areas are significant in assessing various inequality aspects in a developing country like India. The framework consists of heterogeneity in spatial and demographic aspects and in quality of socio-economic development levels as well. Against this background, the present paper has proposed a methodological framework to assess socio-economic inequality within Bangalore Urban Agglomeration (BUA) as governed by the composite set of Human Development Index (HDI) based indicators. Assessments are based on local data of dwellers’ preferences on the indicators. On the whole, this paper has tried to establish the significance of application of HDI based indicators in an assessment of socio-economic inequality within BUA. Consequently, the paper has arrived at the need for improvement of comprehensive HDI governed basic public services, amenities, and advanced facilities, across all trans-urban-area levels to ensure a holistic development within BUA.

Keywords: agglomeration, inequality, HDI indicators, urban governance


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