Heritage place inventory: A tool for establishing the significance of places

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Nur Farhana Azmi
Faizah Ahmad
Azlan Shah Ali


Built heritage of immense architectural, historical and cultural values constitute as one of the most dominant characteristics that contribute significantly to the identity of places. However, the built heritage in smaller towns and cities in Malaysia have been relatively neglected and overlooked. In addition to the role in identity development of heritage sites, a physical built environment or more generally the place has not received adequate attention in built environment literature. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore heritage place inventory as an important conservation tool for establishing the value of places, ultimately leading to their legal protection. A survey was conducted in Kampung Kepayang, a small town in the state of Perak, Malaysia, to discover valuable background information of the identified historic resources through heritage place inventory. A total of 50 pre and post-war buildings of varying styles, values and uses were identified as unique characteristics that influence the distinctiveness of the town. The paper ends with the conclusion that documenting historic places paves the way for establishment of the overall significance and importance of the place in the light of meaning, understanding, definition, and recognition of the cultural values they provide.

Keywords: Built heritage, heritage place inventory, place, small town, values


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