A Design of Fluorescent Fiber Solar Concentrator (FFSC) and Outdoor Testing for Remote Indoor Day Lighting and Power Producing Evaluation for Building Integration

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Wang Chen
H. Abdul-Rahman
S. P. Rao


Different from the conventional luminescent solar concentrator (LSC), a 1200mmx1200mm solar concentrator consisting of 150 pieces of three-color 1m long, 2mm diameter fluorescent fibers (FFSC) has been designed and mounted on a University building roof and the concentrated light is transported to a remote dark room through 10m long, 201m diameter clear optical fibers. Outdoor testing for remote indoor day lighting and power producing evaluation has been conducted. A
31-day monitored data from 24 May 2008 to 23 june 2008 has been presented and the results reveal that even though FFSC is not practical yet to replace the conventional BIPV approach for power producing, it has a pleasant potential in remote indoor day lighting for large amount application in building integration.

Keywords: Fluorescent Fiber Solar Concentrator (FFSC), Remote Indoor Day Lighting, Building
Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV)


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