"Earthen constructions" - Towards Creating a Sustainable Habitat by Minimising the Ecological Footprint

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Aparna Das


Sustenance of the human race has put an immense pressu re on our planet Earth in terms of sustainability of natural resources . The greenhouse effect and the ozone hole are the two most threatening effects of pollution. Constructions of buildings as well as materials contribute to a large percentage to this pollution. Again every material used in the building industry has its source in the Earth. In general the low energy materials will be least polluting. The conventionally used building materials like bricks, cement, steel, timber, plas tics, glass etc. usually involve huge transportation costs and also manufacturing processes which are detrimental to the environment. On the other hand the demand for new buildings as well as the cost of building construction is growing a tremendous pace. We have to search for alternative materials which are energy efficient, environment friendly and economical like our traditional building materials - mud walls and thatch roofs . Of all the alternatives available to us which lead the way to sustainability, building with earth
has been an ancient and accepted practice among communities all over the world. It is estimated that the construction and the operation of buildings is responsible for around half of all global C02 emissions, thereby contributing the largest single source attributable to climate change. Earthen construction has been, is and will continue to be a reality. Stabilised rammed earth walls can be used as a building integrated source of passive cooling technique. A huge population in India lives in the rural areas where there has been a growing trend in shifting towards brick and concrete constructions in search for social status . Even a small percentage can lead to massive increase in global C02 emissions if the trend is not checked at this point. This papers looks into the current scenario and hence the corresponding responsibility on architects, planners and policy makers to bring in technology reforms; "thegreen way of thinking' which will see a better and safer tomorrow.

Keywords: sustainability, earth construction, ecological footprint


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