Barrier Free Park Design for the Disabled Persons: A Case Study of the KLCC Park

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Hazreena Hussein


Making green spaces accessible to as many people as possible is now mainstream thinking in planning, design and management. Green spaces call be internal or external, integrated or separated with building. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and identify the characteristics in creating green spaces for the disabled persons' to enjoy. This research is dedicated specially for those with sensory disabilities, i.e. visually im paired' persons.The research will focus on issues and constraints that seem to impede their basic necessity, which is a barrier to them in enjoying the green spaces alongside their sighted peers. However, this research can also be appli ed to other users such as children, elderly people, pregnant women and parent with strollers. An example of a case study selected is the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) Park, whe re the author will explore the objectives and design principles of the Park. The findings are intend ed to provide recommendation on
appropriate design criteria for the visually impaired person s in helping to maintain and manage green spaces. This is also to provide general information on different type of plants, high lighting their value and usc in design as advi sed by landscape architects.

Keywords: Accessibility, Green Spaces, Visually Impaired



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