Obtaining Professional Skills in the Public Construction Procurement System: A Challenge from the Viewpoint of Indonesian Government Worker

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Dwifitra Jumas
Faizul Azli Mohd-Rahim
Vivi Ariani
Arif Nurman Florisa


The lack of ASN (Aparatur Sipil Negara/ State Civil Apparatus) interest in participating in the procurement process is a problem that affects the performance of the procurement process in terms of its effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify and evaluate the factors that influence the difficulty of obtaining functional procurement from the viewpoint of various government workers authorized for procurement. This research used a quantitative approach with a questionnaire survey method for data collection. From the results of the literature study, 22 elements of the challenge to obtain procurement professionals were successfully identified. Questionnaires were distributed to ASN (public procurement officials), namely structural, functional and functional assistants working in the field of Procurement of Goods and Services within the West Sumatra provincial government. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). As a result, there are three factors of the difficulty of obtaining functional procurement from the perspective of various ASN procurement managers, namely Standard and Policy Factors (6 variables), Transparency and Accountability Factors (4 variables), and Experience and Education Factors (2 variables). This research also suggests measuring the relationship between the three factors by means of confirmatory factor analysis for future research.


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