Overview of Indoor Plants: Phytoarchitecture as A Building Health Platform

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Harida Samudro
Samudro Ganjar
Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo


Decorative plants have developed into a strategic position in an effort to healthy indoor buildings, adding to their functions as decorations for the comfort of occupants. This overview of decorative plants aims to describe the determining factors in the relationship between plants, humans, phytoremediation, to produce sustainable healthy indoor quality. The literature search and selection method used the Mendeley Reference Manager platform. The results were categorized as interactions between plant and human responses, and between plants and indoor environmental quality. In summary, decorative plants are able to make people of all ages and their activities healthy physically and mentally, and it is important to avoid toxic plants even though they look beautiful. The ability of plants has been proven to be able to improve the environmental quality of indoor pollutants, as a function of phytoremediation to make indoor healthy for sustainable use, although should avoid plants with negative effect properties. The status is convincing to make decorative plants an essential living element in indoor. Promotion strategies and implementation tactics are proposed, adapted to local conditions.


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