Accessible Tourism Perspective in Tourist Destination of Dusun Semilir, Indonesia

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Suzanna Ratih Sari
Muhammad Fariz Hilmy
Nindita Kresna Murti


Dusun Semilir is one of the largest tourist destinations in Central Java-Indonesia due to its attractive building design that increases the curiosity of tourists. However, there are several implementations of tourist attraction design, accessibility, and supporting facilities that do not consider the humanist aspects such as non-sloping paths, too high stairs, which hindered those with limitations including the elderly and disabled, from accessing and enjoying the atmosphere. This indicated that the universal design approach is less than optimal. Therefore, this study aims to maintain tourist comfort by providing a universal design perspective for a tourist destination. Qualitative methods were used to explore universal design-related phenomena and problems in order to implement the design concepts that are accessible to everyone. Furthermore, observations and interviews with purposive sampling techniques were used as the instruments while descriptive analysis techniques were conducted to determine the comfort of tourists based on the universal design aspect. The output of this study is the importance of using universal design to create accessible tourism.


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