Are they ready yet: Architecture Graduates Employability Skills from Employers' Perspective

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Mari T.S.
Gunasagaran S
Kuppusamy S


This paper reports on a study exploring the perspective of employers on architecture graduates’ employability
skills during their employment. The study employed a survey research methodological approach. A total of
85 employers completed the survey. The findings of the study revealed that among the four employability
skills dimensions measured, the communication skills dimension was scored highest, (M = 3.69, SD = 0.78),
this was followed by career-related and teamwork skills (CTW) (M=3.64, SD=0.732), technical skills
dimension (TECH) (M=3.52, SD=0.79) and the lowest total mean (M=3.41, SD=0.84) was reported for
critical thinking skills (CT). The study elucidates that employer value graduates’ communication skills;
however, they expected the graduates to demonstrate a range of other essential skills that include critical
thinking, problem-solving, leadership and profession-related skills such as construction and structure that is
essential to develop and build their design. Consequently, the study suggests for the HEI to unlock the
existing curriculum, adopt the work-based learning (WBL) approach which allows greater partnership with
employers and exposure to the real-life project, to develop the essential employability skills that employers


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