Campus Design of Universities: An Overview

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Preethi Agrawal
Madhura Yadav


This paper reviews literature to understand the field of Campus Design and the factors impacting campus design in universities. Literature Review shows that most literature in the field of Campus Design has been authored by practising professionals and the attempt at academic research is relatively new in the field. This leads to a few often-quoted literature sources both in the global and the Indian scenario. Research into the aspect of physical planning of a campus and the quality of space as attributes to achieving effective teaching-learning and university objectives is only recently being considered. Most literature available is case-study based. Campus design parameters that help achieve university objectives need to be identified at the master plan level. Most researches, study campuses with a microscopic view of learning spaces, space comfort etc. Gross design issues which impact teaching-learning-research in Universities and provide a wholesome experience to largest user group, the student community, needs research. The new challenges faced by Indian university campuses, like the incumbent New Education Policy 2020 and situations like a global pandemic, which may affect campus design have been identified as parameters to study and consider when proposing campus design guidelines.


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