The Evaluation of Physical Dimension on the Design of Campus Buildings towards Resilience Initiative at the University of Malaya

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Salomé Talebloo
Anuar Alias


Over the last few decades, the concept of resilience has received a great deal of attention in urban contexts. Universities are a hub of learning in the urban system, with diverse stakeholders facing various risks. As a result, to mitigate the adverse effects of any calamity, it is in the university's best interest to embed resilience components. There are still few studies on campus that address the concept of resilience. As a result, the purpose of this descriptive-analytical study is to create a practical framework for examining factors that specifically impact the physical characteristics of campus resilience, with the University of Malaya as a case study. The physical dimension measurement tools are developed through a systematic review of the literature and validated through expert interviews. The AHP method is used to weight 12 indicators to assess U.M. resiliency through four different buildings. According to the findings, each building has a different level of resilience index ranging from 0.30 to 0.80, and building characteristics play a critical role in U.M. resiliency. As a result, the final index reveals that U.M. has a moderate level of resilience.


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