STEAM Elementary School With The Concept of Creative Learning Space in Heidegger’s View

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Rudy Trisno
Fermanto Lianto
Natasha Kurnia Tishani


This research aims to find out that education significantly influences the way people live in the world; with today’s education, humans and robots have become blurred. Therefore, it is necessary to change the curriculum and education, architecture which are the main problems Heidegger’s views used as a reference in this study. The solution offered to apply the future curriculum, namely STEAM, to the education system and its architectural forms by creating creative spaces and creating architecture that exudes human existence in them with metaphorical architecture. In this study, the current incidence of COVID-19 is taken as the context of the times in which humans are in, so it is necessary to make a school design is responsive to Covid-19. The method applied: 1) Applying the concept of ‘being’ in Heidegger’s philosophy; 2) creating a creative space; 3) creating a strategy when the Covid-19 incident in Heidegger’s philosophy of ‘time’. Architects need to think about the people who feel the existence of buildings in terms of form and function. The findings; how to create creative spaces to help the learning process in schools so that children can be motivated by their creativity by referring to Heidegger’s views on ‘being and time’.


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