Increasing Eco-Performance of Concrete Blocks through Computational Design Form Optimization

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Eugenius Pradipto
Nabila Afif


This paper presents creative geometry research focusing on computational design exploration to improve the eco-performance of concrete blocks used as a building material. To provide a positive eco-performance, an optimized concrete block was designed to be more efficient than a conventional concrete block with respect to the materials used and the space occupied during storage and transport. The results prove that the form is cost-effective and that the environmental impact caused by associated production and distribution processes would be comparatively reduced. Computational research based on parametric design thinking enabled the relationship between form properties as selected design parameters to be evaluated, with the aim of ensuring that efficiency does not compromise technical requirements and that the overall functional role of the concrete block is appropriate when used as a constituent material in nonstructural wall construction. Volumetric-based measurements were employed using Rhinoceros modeling software with a Grasshopper plug-in to assess the eco-performance of the concrete block based on selected indicators. The results show that the folded S-shape concrete block with a width of 40 mm consumes only 43% of the main material and 14% of the auxiliary material relative to a conventional concrete block with a width of 100 mm. When arranged horizontally, a standard container can hold 60% more of the optimized concrete block units compared to conventional ones. Additional findings were also made that suggest future research potential, including use of the concrete blocks as building elements in passive design strategies.


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