An Investigation of House Designs in Lahore: Transformation of Residential Architecture from traditional to modern

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Sana Malik
Ku Azhar Ku Hassan


Many historic cities display the expression of individual and cultural identity as a common phenomenon in house designs; this paper inspects it in context of Lahore city. Study is focused on architectural transformation of house designs based on lifestyles of different time periods in Lahore. The objective is to highlight the key modifications in designing of houses over time period of half century. It is believed that home is the most endearing structure to be built given the poignant connection of dwellers to their living spaces. In Lahore, houses show diverse architectural profile as a result of socio-economic changes and global influences; these demand to investigate the present prototype of traditional versus modern house design in Lahore. A case study of traditional as well as modern house was conducted using field inspection and typological analysis. Findings of such design focused research provide helpful insights for practitioners and academicians of contemporary architecture in Lahore and other likewise cities, about major spatial and design alterations in order to achieve a balanced approach in residential architecture.


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