Contribution of Building Façades to Attractive Streetscapes: Study of Two Main Streets in Kuala Lumpur City

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Amir Hossein Askari
Soha Soltani


Building facades contribute to attractive urban streetscapes. In between, physical elements and visual qualities of building façades play the most important role. This study seeks to identify the impact of building facades on creating attractive streetscapes in the city of Kuala Lumpur. In achieving this, a self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted to gather peoples' evaluation of building facades in Kuala Lumpur where combination of modern and traditional architecture creates worth-study urban landscapes. The researcher randomly surveyed 330 respondents, 18 to 50 years old, from the passers-by who just visit the area and those who reside and work there, using the time interval sampling method. The results demonstrate that consistency of colors and details of building facades, simplicity, unity, conformity of store lots in a single building block, large windows, transparency of the function of buildings, and display items of store-fronts determine visual richness of streetscapes in the study areas. The findings contribute to visual identity of cities through creating attractive streetscapes.


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