The Appraisal Model of Teenagers’ Landscape Preference based on Demographic and Personality Characteristics

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Sima Alizadeh
Minoo Sadeghi
Aldrin Abdullah


Landscape design has attracted researchers’ attention due to a significant attachment between landscape and society. It is therefore necessary that landscape is designed based on people’s preferences. Thus, it is imperative that people’s landscape preference and the relevant influential factors to be identified. This research aims to introduce a model to provide the best prediction for landscape preference based on demographic and personality characteristics among 384 teenagers in Isfahan, Iran. Accordingly, the research follows three objectives to predict teenagers’ preference for mountain, forest, and agricultural landscapes. Cattell Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire was conducted to examine respondents’ personality characteristics. Participants’ landscape preferences were measured by using a visual preference survey. In this survey respondents rated pictures of three kinds of landscape including mountain, forest, and agricultural landscapes. The results revealed that in prediction of teenagers’ landscape preference, the factors of creativity, field of study, and gender are influential. The findings raise implications for the concerned architects and environmental designers as well as planners and decision makers in both ecological and psychological settings.


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