Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Energy Use And Mitigation Potential Of Household Behavioural Modifications In Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria

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Buhari Mohammed Manzuma
Ikemefuna Mbamali
Andrew Mhya Stanley
Maaruf Sani


Some activities in all types of buildings contribute to greenhouse gas, GHG, emissions. This is especially so in case of residential buildings in cities as it has been observed that urban residents spend the greater part of their time indoors. During this time man is engaged in emission producing activities such as respiration, energy generation and consumption and waste generation. The behaviour of the users of buildings greatly influences the quantities of the GHGs resulting from their activities. There are certain ways of doing things especially in connection with energy use in buildings that have been identified to be more efficient and consequently less emission intensive than others. This study investigated the extent of observance of these energy efficient practices by the surveyed households and their willingness to adopt measures that will significantly reduce their carbon footprint. The findings show a generally low level of observance of the measures by the households but they also show a high level of readiness to adopt the suggested measures. The study concludes that emission of large quantities of carbon dioxide by the surveyed houses can be avoided and recommends a creation of awareness among households about these practices by the relevant stakeholders.


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