Maintenance Interval towards Different Facilities and Services in High-Rise Housing

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Cheong Peng Au-Yong
Azlan Shah Ali
Shirley Jin Lin Chua
Adi Irfan Che-Ani


Maintaining facilities and services of high-rise residential buildings is crucial in order to ensure the buildings operate optimally and achieve better user satisfaction. The purpose of this research is to deal with the appropriate maintenance interval for two different group of facilities and services namely essential and value-added specifically for high-rise residential buildings. Questionnaire survey was conducted among maintenance personnel who manage high-rise housing throughout Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 321 returned questionnaires were considered valid and analysed to rank the maintenance interval for the variables identified from literature review. The result revealed that different type of building facilities and services has different maintenance interval. It is also proven via Friedman test that the maintenance interval of facilities and services is significantly different. It is mainly because essential facilities and services are vital to support the building user daily routine. Thus, the maintenance personnel should plan and execute maintenance work based on the appropriate maintenance interval. Since this research only compares the differences of maintenance interval for different building facilities and services in common practice, further research is recommended to investigate the relationship between maintenance intervals and its performance in terms of cost and quality.


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