The Influence of Organisational Climate on Knowledge Management: A Literature Review

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Deepjyoti Choudhury
Prognadipta Das


Knowledge is considered to be a strategic resource that helps to leverage the effectiveness of an organisation and is classified into two types: tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is acquired through long-term experience and cognition while explicit knowledge is a formal knowledge which can be easily shared or transferred. Knowledge management is considered to be an emerging concept in an era of rising global competition that helps to organise and channel the valuable knowledge resource of an organisation and which may therefore ultimately lead to the success of that organisation. However, a cooperative and innovative organisational climate might play a vital role in different aspects of knowledge management with regard to knowledge acquisition, knowledge storage and knowledge sharing. This paper aims to review the literature in the area of knowledge management as well as the influence of organisational climate on knowledge management through the effective flow of tacit knowledge and
provide a clear and systematic overview of it. Thus, this study tries to highlight the research gap in the course of reviewing the relevant literature and also attempts to investigate, from the relevant literature, the in-depth relationship, if any, between organisational climate and tacit knowledge management in particular and ultimately
knowledge management in general.


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