Backdiffraction Configuration for X-ray Standing Wave formed just above the Surface of the Crystal Containing a Stacking Fault

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Bezirganyan, Hakob P
Bezirganyan, Siranush E
Bezirganyan, Hayk H
Beziganyan , Petros H


Presented theoretical paper concerns the application of the extremely sensitive Grazing-Angle Incidence X-ray Backdiffraction (GIXB) technique for investigations of the crystal containing a stacking fault. Fault plane is assumed parallel to the crystal entrance surface. It is shown that entire x-ray wave field intensity in vacuum is modulated periodically along the vacuum-crystal surface with the same period as the crystal diffracting net planes. X-ray wave field short-period modulation along the vacuum-crystal surface gives a possibility to determine the lateral positions if overlaid adsorbed atoms with respect to crystal lattice atoms by combination of GIXB with the X-ray Standing-Wave (XSW) technique i.e. by monitoring the secondary emissions. The development of such non-destructive investigation methods is in the focus of fundamental aspects of materials research, crystal engineering etc.


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How to Cite
Hakob P, B., Siranush E, B., Hayk H, B., & , Petros H, B. (2002). Backdiffraction Configuration for X-ray Standing Wave formed just above the Surface of the Crystal Containing a Stacking Fault. Malaysian Journal of Science, 21, 31–40. Retrieved from
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